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Tarot in Motion Card Pull


Miriam Jacobs, creator of Tarot in Motion,

pulled three cards on

How To Support What We Want to Manifest in 2025

and gives suggestions of movement you are welcome to try.


For Body: Six of Water/Cups


Meaning: The Six of Water is all about imparting out of love and charity. It is trusting in a mutual exchange. Six of Water is filled with kindness and gratitude. In this case the card also refers to community, rather than self focus. Go outward and just be with everybody, and be with what comes up, and be with your community.


Expressive-movement qualities: Water with fire
Dance pace: Slow/still

Chakra: Water/sexual chakra—flowing
Physical focus: Pelvis
Astrologic influence: Sun in Scorpio helps us find our hidden secrets and dig beneath the surface. It helps our mysteries come into focus. The sun in Scorpio gives us fierce loyalty to those we are committed to.

Intention: The love you take is equal to the love you make.

Suggested moves and props: Wrap scarves and Hawaiian leis around another participant. Continue to tenderly caress them. Sway from your hips. Give away roses.


For Mind:  Six of Air/Swords


Meaning: The Six of Air is safe, serene, and focused. It is moving away from danger to calmer understandings. We are still at a point of waiting, being relaxed, and trusting.  Trusting in our heart that our heart will show the way. The Six of Air influence accepts help from others. It looks forward and is optimistic about the future. New opportunities are ahead.

Expressive-movement qualities: Air with air.

Dance pace: Slow/still
Chakra: Air/heart—compassion
Physical focus: Ankles and calves
Astrologic influence: Mercury in Aquarius communicates higher information, often in the form of reality versus illusion. This may indicate being out of touch with your emotions. 


Intention: Fully accept help and guidance.

Suggested moves and props: Pretend to be rowing a boat, moving away from danger. One person guides another gently. Use scarves swaying close to the ground.


For Spirit: Four of Water/Cups


Meaning: The Four of Water is still, stable, and safe. At times it is a bit detached in order to remain objective as a protective measure. The Four of Water ranges from feeling comfortable, even luxurious, to stagnant and apathetic. Be happy, be grateful with what you have and trust your feelings and intuition.

Expressive-movement qualities: Water with water

Dance pace: Quick
Chakra: Water/sexual chakra—flowing
Physical focus: Chest
Astrologic influence: Moon in Cancer calms down our emotions. It either provides safety or can feel like a wall around our emotions. Moon in Cancer shows a need for cautiousness. 


Intention: Become aware of your emotional safety. Make sure you are safe but not detached from your feelings.

Suggested moves and props: Put on gloves and shake them off. Sit or stand sideways to the audience, look at them, and then look away. Connecting, then detaching.


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