Tarot in Motion Card Pull

Miriam Jacobs, creator of Tarot in Motion,
pulled three cards on
How to Move Forward Into the Complete Unknown
and gives suggestions of movement you are welcome to try.

For Body: Ten of Water/Cups
Meaning: All Tens signal an ending. Water is all about healing and connection. The Ten of Water is complete contentment and joy. It shows up in all aspects of our lives and can be shared with others. The Ten of Water radiates outward with bliss. It's about being really comfortable in your body. So instead of How do I move forward? -- it's let's get to a place in our body that is really comfortable, really complete and happy. Anything that comes up in our bodies is what we have to first deal with, making sure to be available for anything that comes up in our lives and the world around us. Because, as noted below in Physical Focus, this is about feet so we can walk through everything that lies ahead.
Expressive-movement qualities: Water with fire
Dance pace: Moderate
Chakra: Water/sexual chakra—flowing
Physical focus: Feet
Astrologic influence: Mars in Pisces creates the feeling of being content, although Mars and Pisces have conflicting energies.
Intention: Appreciate the overflow of abundance..
Suggested moves and props: Invite participants to follow you in walking in a circle, holding hands and pressing your feet into the floor.

For Mind: Page of Air/Swords
Meaning: Air is about how to proceed. The Page of Air refers to another person or an aspect of yourself that is influencing the situation by having a new idea. The Page of Air communicates his/her idea in a clear, articulate fashion. He encourages you to speak your truth. It signifies a new way of doing things and speaking your truth, so we can communicate our desires with clarity and flexibility.
Expressive-movement qualities: Air with earth.
Dance pace: Slow/still
Chakra: Air/heart—compassion
Physical focus: Shoulders, kidneys and ankles
Astrologic influence: All air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Intention: Communicate your new idea.
Suggested moves and props: Pretend to text, while speaking out loud.

For Spirit: Nine of Wands/Fire
Meaning: Nine of Fire is accomplished, successful, and often exhausting. It indicates endurance, resilience, and proven success. It is both internal and external accomplishments. The Nine of Fire indicates driven and dynamic energy while acknowledging how far we've really come. Maintaining boundaries is essential to staying grounded, while having compassion for ourselves and others.
Expressive-movement qualities: Fire with water
Dance pace: Moderate
Chakra: Fire/solar plexus—drive
Physical focus: Thighs
Astrologic influence: Sun and moon in Sagittarius indicates being radiant and needing to be alone. At the same time, the sun in Sagittarius is seeing a vision and manifesting it in life. The moon in Sagittarius is about honesty and adventure.
Intention: Wind down your efforts.
Suggested moves and props: Invite participants to follow you in walking in a circle, holding hands and pressing your feet into the floor.

4th Card: Ace of Earth/Pentacles
*Miriam pulled a 4th card to balance the Water, Air and Fire cards and offer them grounding. Pulling an Earth card randomly provides that grounding.
Meaning: All aces represent a new beginning. The Ace of Earth is a beginning of something tangible, a new enterprise, or a new way of receiving money. You may be starting a new job. There is a literal shift of some kind. A seed has been planted. This takes the trust of the Page of Air and the compassion of the Ten of Water to acknowledge and trust we are moving forward. We must relax and allow everything to just Be. Each of us is continuing to do our work with compassion, clarity and intention. There are times to just let go, whether that is the end of the day, knowing we have completed our work and can be in a state of stillness and trust. We are ready for a new way of doing things.
Expressive-movement qualities: Pure earth
Dance pace: Slow/still
Chakra: Earth/root—grounded
Physical focus: Neck, colon, and knees
Astrologic influence: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Intention: Build a strong foundation for a long-term plan.
Suggested moves and props: Joyfully and carefully pretend to plant a tree. Contemplate a disk (a Frisbee) that represents a single coin.